General News | Black Belts |
31st May 15 at 15:59 |
Congratulations to Qi Kwan Do's newest Black Belts and First Dans after their June grading -- Congratulations also to Master Gary Coles on his Fifth Dan grading! |
General News | April 26th Grading |
23rd April 15 at 14:39 |
Grandmaster Parisi will be hosting a grading for all belts on 26th April 2015 at 3pm, followed by a training session for BlackBelt and CIT students -- the event will be at the Odyssey Centre, Stevenage, SG2 8DU |
General News | 1st Mar Grading & Seminar |
14th February 15 at 08:22 |
Grandmaster Parisi will be hosting a grading for all belts on 1st March 2015 at 11am, followed by a self-defence seminar featuring Grandmaster Gary Wasniewski of TYGA Martial Arts International ( from 1-3pm -- The event will be at the Odyssey Centre, Stevenage, SG2 8DU |
General News | Self Defence Seminar |
14th October 14 at 13:40 |
On 2nd November, Grand Master Parisi will be hosting a Self Defence Seminar including Gun and Knife defence -- Odyssey Centre, Stevenage, SG2 8DU -- 1.00 to 3.00pm, students and non-students welcome, £10 adults, £5 children -- Assistant and Chief Instructor session beforehand, 11.00am to 12.30pm |
Following on from the success of the Wednesday 5.30pm children's class at Odyssey Health Club in Stevenage, there will now be a Little Dragons class starting Wednesday 9th July 2014. This class is for 3,4 and 5 year olds and will be 4.40pm to 5.25pm. |
General News | New Cambridge School Opening!! |
11th February 14 at 13:42 |
Due to the huge success of the existing Qi Kwan Do Schools throughout Cambridgeshire including St.Neots, Huntingdon and St.Ives there will be a new Cambridge QKD School starting on Tuesday 4th March 2014, 6.30pm to 7.30pm and every Tuesday thereafter. All QKD students and friends are welcome to attend the opening evening on 4th March. |
General News | Congratulations to the now Grand Master Parisi |
22nd January 14 at 17:12 |
The US Grand Master's Council has awarded Libertino Parisi with the rank of Grand Master! Many congratulations to him. Be sure to look out for his lessons and seminars through 2014. |
General News | BlackBelt Grading Times |
10th December 13 at 11:18 |
Updated times for the BlackBelt Gradings -- Little Dragons starting 10am -- First Dan starting 11am -- Black Belts starting 1pm -- Christmas Party starting 6pm -- All at The Odyssey Centre, Stevenage, SG2 8DU |